Social work is closest to my heart
My name is Ludmila Darzina. I am from Latvia, from Ventspils. Social work is closest to my heart.
As part of the Senior Citizens Award project test, I carried out 24 hours of social work over a period of 2 months. I visited several families in need in Ventspils. I delivered hot meals, food, clothes, conducted interviews. I did the work that I know and understand, similar to my everyday work. I also had several phone calls with COVID – 19 sick people who needed encouragement over the phone. I knitted socks and delivered them to families with children. I was happy to make other people happy! I felt useful. It was satisfying.
It was also an opportunity to share, to share my knowledge and skills.
My motto is – Well done is better than well said.
And the most important thing is not to stop believing and waiting for the fulfilment!