About the project
“Keep going, reach goals, get an award: empowering senior volunteerism” (No. 2020-1-LT01-KA204-077966) – EU funded project focused on the empowerment of senior volunteerism in multiple EU countries.
The project is meant to enhance the social inclusion and position of older people in our networked society. Moreover, the project will contribute towards reaching the Europe 2020 goal: more than 15% of adults participating in lifelong learning. The most important impact of the project, however, will be on older adults enabling them to live and act as active citizens. The Senior Award Program will be promoting adult and older adult learning, older people’s volunteering and caring for social welfare.
Our focus
In the times of major social changes volunteering of all people notwithstanding their age is a valuable way to resist, grow and develop as individuals and communities. While the share of older people over 65 years of age is growing, their active participation in society is becoming an ever more appreciated reality and need.
Our objectives
The project objectives are:
- • to trigger older people’s primary motivation for learning and volunteering in an organised way
- • to promote older people’s volunteering that will impact older people themselves and their communities
- • to support adult educators involved in the education of older people;
- • to enable personal growth
- • to raise public awareness about active ageing and its beneficial effect on all levels
- • to share knowledge about the traditions and best practices of volunteering between the five project partners, their organisations and beyond.
Expected results
The project partners will be creating an innovative Senior Volunteering Award Program that will be of benefit to adult educators, older people and local communities. Due to the common efforts of the partners and to the mutualising their knowledge and skills several results will be attained.
-Volunteer, Learn, Teach.