Together you get more done than alone
“I advise everyone to take part in volunteer work, each according to their own possibilities and abilities”
Together you get more done than alone, people are grateful and you feel appreciated.
Partly because of this you get more energy and you can handle a lot.
I am Helma Heijkant, 58 years old and I work as a teacher of group 1-2 of primary school.
The work is voluntary, but not without obligation. Everyone contributes and does what he or she can. Some spend a lot of time in the youth center, others help every now and then.
I am still very happy to be involved in the Youth Center as a board member and have gained a whole new experience.
I have noticed that if you do active work, you get appreciation and positive reactions. That has a stimulating effect and you will become more and more interested in other volunteer work.
The more you do, the more experience you will gain and the easier it will be for you to tackle new challenges. You learn to plan and eventually it costs you less and less time.
Go get award – it’s a nice project. I advise everyone to take part in volunteer work, each according to their own possibilities and abilities. People will participate more quickly if there are addresses where they can go and be helped to make contact with people from the volunteer work.
The prizes (Bronze, Silver and Gold) are a nice extra incentive to participate.
If people are enthusiastic about their volunteer work, it would be nice if they could continue to work there on a voluntary basis after the program has ended.
How much time someone spends on volunteering can vary from person to person.
In would set a minimum length of time for Bronze, Silver and Gold. Then they can also work more hours for an organization if necessary.
Greetings from Helma