My name is Anke Kremer
My name is Anke Kremer and my age is 62. In a few months I will retire, after 27 years of working in service and logistics at the Dutch Railways and once a government tax official for eight years and a full-time housewife for eight years. I am a mother and grandmother, divorced and remarried and have had an eventful life thus far.
For several months I have been helping my immigrant neighbor to find her way in all kinds of things regarding life in the Netherlands, which also consciously shows me my country again.
Many habits and things are not at all as obvious as you think, when you think about it and that is of added value to me.
Since the death of my father, I have accompanied my elderly mother, who still lives independently, together with my sister.
That is why I now first take the time to recover and see what I want with my future.
As a volunteer you see for yourself that you are making personal progress, but you are also supported in choosing what suits you, plus that you are motivated, because you do not have to do it all alone.
You can look for it in your own environment, but The Senior Award Program is an international organization, so there are also opportunities there for those who want to look beyond their own national borders.