Pavlina Ivanova was born on July 10, 1955, in the village of Golyamo Vranovo. She graduated from the University of Shumen with a degree in Telecommunications Engineering.
After her retirement, she became the youngest member of the Club of Pensioners in the village of Borisovo. She was actively involved in the activities of the pensioners and was soon elected chairperson of the club. She is happy to organize excursions every year and says “There is no place in Bulgaria that I have not shown to my retirees. We went to Trigrad, to Zlatograd, to the two caves of Yagodinska and Devil’s Throat, etc. ”Together they celebrate Christmas Eve, Midwives’s Day, Winemakers’ Day, Re-enactment of traditional engagement Godezh and others. They try to attract young people to preserve and pass on the traditions and customs of their homeland.
Veska Uzunova informed Pavlina about the Senior Award Program. She was pleased to be included because she was motivated to meet and help people who live with other traditions and cultures, to volunteer in new areas. She participated in the afforestation of 20 acres of wetlands in the Slivo Pole Municipality. She learned to use new media and shot a short theatre about how to plant a tree. She wanted to teach young people to do it at home. With the recording she participated in a regular international conference “Come together! Connecting people in times of Corona by culture.”
Pavlina Ivanova organizes pensioners from the different ethnic groups of the Municipality to take part in the event “Let’s share our food”, in the regional folklore festival, in recreating old traditions through theatre.
She will continue her participation in the Senior Award Program in order to use new technologies such as Facebook, Viber, Zoom. “I would be happy to share information about life in our Club of Pensioners” said Pavlina.